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Help the Earth By Going Geothermal


Spring is officially here, and Earth Day is around the corner.
What are you doing to get in the spirit?

We know that when you typically think of “spring cleaning,” you’re think of things like deep cleaning your kitchen, scrubbing your grout, and making your hardwood flooring sparkle. Spring cleaning can be a little more abstract than this. Spring cleaning can look like you reassessing your air conditioning in Nashville, TN and making them eco-friendly. If you want to get in the eco-friendly spirit of Earth Day, we recommend a geothermal system.

We recommend geothermal systems. They perform just like the
air conditioners that you’re used to. They also heat, cost you a lot less, and
reduce your carbon footprint. There are a lot of wins with one of these
systems. We’ll get into them below…

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The Benefits of a Daikin Fit System

We’ve almost made it to spring! That “out with the old, in with
the new” spirit is in the air. We know that you’re thinking about improvements that
you can make in your home. If you’re thinking about upgrading your home’s HVAC
system, we’d suggest that you consider a Daikin Fit System.

We partner with Daikin Fit products at our company because they’re so quality. If you talk to one of our service providers, it’s likely that they’ve mentioned this product before. If you have questions about this product, we suggest that you keep reading below. We’re experts in everything HVAC in Nashville, TN.

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A Few Signs That You Need Maintenance

Are you wondering if you need maintenance? We understand
this point of view. We’re pretty well underway into winter already. You missed
out on maintenance… but you can make it to the finish line of spring without
maintenance, right? We don’t want you to fall into this false sense of
security. Maintenance is always something that you should invest in. We’re here
to help.

We know that finding the right HVAC contractor in Nashville, TN isn’t always that easy. That’s why we make sure that our services are always impeccable. We only want you to get quality service that lasts throughout the entire heating season.

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What’s That Heating Noise?

When you turn on your heater, you start to hear some odd
things. In a perfect world, you’d be able to turn on your heater (or any other
appliance for that matter) and run it perfectly all the time. In our world though,
things are going to go wrong sometimes. You might hear vibrating, rattling,
scraping, or other noises.

The thing about heating noises though, is that there are some sounds that are normal while others are bad news for your home heating. We’re here to clear up that grey area for you today. If you ever need HVAC service in Murfreesboro, TN, you should schedule an appointment with our team members.

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Why Is My Heating Bill So High?

We’re marching through the winter season with fuzzy socks, warm sweaters, thick scarves, and all. You’ve been making it through so far. You’re warm and your heater works as it normally would. There’s just one thing that’s really odd, though—your heating bills are through the roof.

You can’t seem to make sense of it. You just don’t know why
it’s happening. Don’t pull your hair out trying to sleuth for the answer on
your own. We’re here to help you out with what you’re looking for.

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5 Helpful Furnace Tips

hand drawing check box on a white background

What’s more important than having your furnace perform
through a Nashville winter?

Your furnace is unequivocally the backbone of your home. If you’re not treating this system with care, then you’re just not getting what you deserve out of your home. That’s why we’ve done our part to round up the best tips today. A few alterations on the way that you run your heater can change everything. Try out a few of the things we list below today and see if it makes a difference in your home. If you notice that things haven’t changed much after these tips, then you should contact us for furnace repair in Nashville, TN.

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Don’t Let This Problem Disrupt Your Heating Efforts

Are you using a gas-powered furnace in your home for your heating needs? This wouldn’t come as a surprise to use. After all, it is the most popular heating system found in homes throughout our area and beyond. They’re powerful, cost-effective, and today’s models are even more efficient than systems from just a decade ago.

Gas furnaces are not inherently dangerous. However, any
appliance that uses natural gas can become
dangerous, if not properly installed or cared for. The main concern when it
comes to gas furnaces is the heat exchangers of these systems.

This is one problem that disrupts not only the heating
efforts in many households each year, but can also be a health and safety
hazard. A cracked or damaged heat exchanger is definitely one of those problems
you should never ignore, and if you suspect you have one, it’s time to turn
your heater off and give us a call!

Read on to learn more about this potential issue.

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How to Get More from Your Heater

hand drawing check box on a white background

We’re reaching the coldest point of the winter season now.
Because of this, we know that many of you out there might be wondering: “how
can I get more from my heater?”

The answer is a lot simpler than you might think. The best place to start is… well… right where you are. Our blog has a wealth of information and we don’t intend to stop this today. We specialize in HVAC in Franklin, TN and we like to pay this forward. That’s why we want to give you the best tips to help your home’s heating today.

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Need Heating Help? Try a New Thermostat


If you haven’t upgraded your thermostat in a while, then it’s time for you to upgrade. You know that you should upgrade your home’s heater every decade or so, but you need to upgrade your thermostat just as often. The thing about your HVAC in Nashville, TN is that it’s an ecosystem. You need to consider all aspects of your home’s HVAC system so that you can help out your home.

If you take a good look at your thermostat on the wall and
see a faceless piece of plastic on the wall, then you’re overdue for an
upgrade. We have smart and Wi-Fi thermostats on the market now. Getting a new
thermostat is actually easy. Our technicians can shepherd you through the
entire process.

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“What’s Up With My Heater?”

Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.

You’ve been running your heater for a while and you’re starting to have heating upsets. They started out small this fall, but the problems are starting to gain traction and mount up as the heating season marches on. What is there to do? You should start out with contacting our professionals about your heating in Franklin, TN.

If you’re looking up at your vents in bewilderment wondering
what’s going on with your heater, we’re here to help you get to the bottom of
it. We want you to have the best heating possible this season. We know that you
want to stay warm this winter and we’re going to help you do it.

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