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How to Get More from Your Heater

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We’re reaching the coldest point of the winter season now.
Because of this, we know that many of you out there might be wondering: “how
can I get more from my heater?”

The answer is a lot simpler than you might think. The best place to start is… well… right where you are. Our blog has a wealth of information and we don’t intend to stop this today. We specialize in HVAC in Franklin, TN and we like to pay this forward. That’s why we want to give you the best tips to help your home’s heating today.

Heating Tips You Need to Know

These are heating tips that you should know this winter:

Check Your Insulation

If you don’t have great insulation in your home, then you’re
not going to have great heating in your home either. A lack of insulation means
that you’re going to heat your home and let your heat escape as soon as it
enters. If you have poor insulation, a sign that you need to take steps to
improve this aspect of your home is high heating bills despite poor

Poor insulation is one of those problems that you might
notice and try to power through. We want to assure you that this isn’t the best
plan of action. Proactive work is always what’s best for your home.


Did you already schedule an appointment for fall maintenance? We know that the fall season has already passed, but even if your answer to this initial question is “no” it’s not too late. You can still contact us for a heating tune-up now. It’s not too late. Heating maintenance is a great way to make sure that you’re getting the best heating possible for the best possible price.

Make Sure Your Carbon Monoxide Detector is Ready

If you have a furnace at home, then it’s imperative that you
make sure that your carbon monoxide detector is ready to keep you safe. Carbon
monoxide is the byproduct of an unhealthy furnace system. The main problem with
carbon monoxide is that if it strikes, you’re only going to be able to tell with
the help of a CO detector. We can be the team to help you find the right one.

Turn Your Thermostat Down

You need to turn your thermostat down a little bit to get quality service from this system. We know what it’s like to come into your home and want to crank up your thermostat to the highest temperature possible. This isn’t responsible heater operation though. The chances are that you don’t actually want your home to be 80 degrees. Once your home actually gets to that temperature you’re going to be too hot.

Utilize Natural Light

Opening up your home’s blinds and curtains will naturally
raise the internal temperature of your home. Natural light makes your home much
warmer. Opening up your blinds and windows during the height of the day will
result in you spending less time heating your home.

Contact Precision Air, Inc today for your home heating services. Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust.

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