Sometimes your furnace needs help. The trouble can happen when we’re not sure about the condition of the furnace. We understand this because, although we are professionals, we understand that you might not be able to spot all the signs as a homeowner. There’s no shame in this–it’s our job to know these things, not yours. We do, however, want to point out the signs of a need for furnace repair in Brentwood, TN. If you relate to any of the problems below, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with a professional technician.
Don’t Ignore These Signs of Trouble
Here are a few things you should note and address when you notice them happening in your home.
Odd Furnace Scents
One of the worst things that can happen in your home is an odd scent emanating from your furnace. In most cases, this means danger. You could be experiencing a carbon monoxide leak. This is a clear sign that you should have a professional out to your home right away. This is going to help keep you and your family members safe.
A Discolored Pilot Light
One of the best ways to sniff out any trouble with your home’s heating system is a discolored pilot light. A discolored pilot light is a pilot light that’s any other color besides a bright blue steady burning light. If you notice that it’s any other color like yellow, orange, or red, then it’s time to contact a professional for our services.
Difficulty Getting the Unit to Start
Are you having trouble getting the unit to start? You should always be able to turn your home’s thermostat to the temperature setting that you want and then have your system start up soon after. If there’s a huge delay or a struggle to get this to happen, then it means that it’s time to schedule an appointment with us.
Inadequate Heating
Have you noticed that you have trouble getting your home to your desired temperature? This isn’t something you should experience with a working heater. If you are struggling with this, then it’s a sign that your heater isn’t working the way it should. We can help you get your heating on track.
Weird Noises
Your heater isn’t ever going to be completely quiet, but it shouldn’t make loud or alarming noises either. If you’re hearing sounds like banging, rattling, scraping, or more, then it means that your heater is internally struggling. We can find the pain points and fix them.
Excess Dust
Is there just way too much dust floating around in your home? This is actually a sign that your home’s heater isn’t able to circulate air efficiently. We’ll find the cause of the issue and solve the problem for you.
High Energy Bills
High energy bills occurring at home when nothing about your heater operation has changed is an issue. This means that you’re probably paying for your heater to work harder but produce the same amount of heat due to inefficiency.
Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust. Contact Precision Air, Inc today.