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What Sounds Are Normal for an AC to Make?

Your AC unit makes some sounds when it cycles on, runs to cool your home, and cycles back off again. But what sounds are normal and which ones are cause for concern? It’s important to be aware of what’s normal for your AC so you can identify when a sound changes or the unit makes a new sound. Unusual sounds can mean that something is wrong with a component in your unit.

Most of the time you hear an unusual sound, something is in need of an expert eye to fix it. When you need Nashville AC repair, our team is here to help. You can know when to call by understanding these normal sounds your AC makes.

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Why Consider a Ductless Mini Split?

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t think about your home’s heating and cooling system until there’s a problem. But sometimes, it pays to be proactive and anticipate potential issues before they happen. That’s why you should consider a ductless mini split air conditioning system for your home.

If you’re wondering what a ductless mini split even is, don’t worry – you’re not alone. These air conditioners are getting more attention but still aren’t as common as traditional central air conditioners. Yet!

Read on to learn more about the benefits of installing a ductless mini split in Nashville, TN, and why it just might be the perfect air conditioner for your home.

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How To Help Your AC Last As Long As Possible

hand drawing check box on a white background

As the summer rages on, the temperatures outside are getting
hotter and hotter. Most of the country won’t see any relief from the summer
heat until the latter part of 2022. The average homeowner in the Nashville area
realizes the importance of a functional HVAC unit, especially during the hotter
months of the year.

Avoiding problems with your air conditioning in Nashville, TN will require both routine maintenance and occasional repairs. Due to the rising cost of new HVAC units, keeping your existing system around for as long as possible should be a top priority. Here are some things you can do to extend the life of your HVAC system.

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Low-Cost Ways to Improve Your AC Efficiency

In recent years, the importance and need
to save energy have become more apparent as more people appreciate and
understand their contribution to their environment.

One of the most effective ways to save energy is by improving the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Your HVAC could account for up to 12% of your total energy expenditures annually. During the hot summer months, this can shoot up to a staggering 70%.

Luckily, there are a couple of things you can do to reduce energy costs and improve the efficiency of your air conditioning in Nashville, TN. Read on to learn about low-cost tips that can help improve your AC efficiency.

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How to Stay Cool While Saving Money

Your AC is probably one of the most important
appliances in your home. Without it, the hot summers here would be unbearable.
However, your AC unit is also one of the most energy-intensive appliances in
your home.

So do you have to choose between discomfort and savings when it comes to air conditioning in Nashville, TN? Absolutely not. There are several easy and less energy-intensive means you can use to help out your AC so that it does not consume too much energy.

Here are some ways to stay cool while
conserving energy and saving money:

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The 101 on Radon

Radon is a silent
killer—you can’t feel it, smell it, or taste it. So you could be breathing in
high amounts of this toxic gas and not even know it. In addition, exposure to
radon over time puts you at risk of developing severe health complications.

According to the EPA, radon exposure is one of the leading causes of lung cancer, and it’s the number one cause of the disease amongst non-smokers.

Even more shocking is
that experts believe that 1 in 15 homes in the U.S. has a high amount of radon.

That’s why it’s crucial
to increase your awareness about this radioactive gas.

What is radon? How do you know if your home needs radon testing? Today we answer these questions and more.

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When to Consider an AC Upgrade

ACs are must-have fixtures you just can’t do
without if you want a comfortable home. However, for them to give the best
performance, you should ensure they are well maintained.

Most times, a simple
maintenance check won’t do the trick. Frequently calling in your repair person
is a bad sign in itself. What does it mean if you’re always sick? That you need
to get a proper diagnosis, right?

For your AC, many
times that diagnosis is that it’s in dire need of an upgrade!

Knowing when the best treatment for your AC is
an upgrade is the best way to show your AC, and your pocket, some love.

But what exactly should you be looking out for before getting an AC upgrade in Nashville, TN? In this guide, we’ll highlight all the major signs you need to look out for.

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It’s Time to Maintain Your Air Conditioner

Are you in need of AC Maintenance in Nashville, TN? If so, we can help! Air conditioners help to regulate the temperatures in your home to allow you to live far more comfortably.

Essentially, any modern home requires
an air conditioner. Whether you’re trying to cool yourself down in the summer
or heat yourself up in winter, an air conditioner is something your home
seriously needs. However, purchasing a conditioner really is the easy part.

Because you also have to maintain it
in order for it to operate optimally. Now, let’s take a look at why regular air
conditioner maintenance is so important.

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5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Heater

Chances are that
unless something goes wrong, you probably don’t think about your heating system
very often. Most homeowners simply trust that their heater will always work,
but the truth is that home heating and air conditioning systems can break down,
and when they do, your home can get cold in a hurry. People are usually
surprised when their heater malfunctions, but in reality, this is something
that can almost always be avoided.

Most heating
systems give plenty of notice before breaking down; it’s just that homeowners
seldom heed these warnings. In some cases, this is because people ignore the
warning signs, but more often than not, homeowners just don’t know what to look
out for. Therefore, in this article, we will go over five signs that it’s time
to upgrade your heater so that you can spot the red flags and take action
before it’s too late.

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Could a Heat Pump Be Right for You?

The name heat pump is somewhat of a misnomer. It gives
the impression that a heat pump can only provide a source of heat for your
home, but the truth is that it can also cool your home. Heat pumps run on
electricity rather than fossil fuels and can work independently of a
traditional HVAC system. In the right climate a heat pump can even take the
place of an HVAC system. Conversely, a furnace system cannot provide cool air
while an air conditioner cannot provide heat. A heat pump might be an excellent
solution to provide heating in Nashville, TN, without the need for an entire
HVAC system overhaul.

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