When to Consider an AC Upgrade

 Cs are must-have fixtures you just can’t do without if you want a comfortable home. However, for them to give the best performance, you should ensure they are well maintained. Most times, a simple maintenance check won’t do the trick. Frequently calling in your repair person is a bad sign in itself. What does it mean if you’re always sick? That you need to get a proper diagnosis, right?


For your AC, many times that diagnosis is that it’s in dire need of an upgrade! Knowing when the best treatment for your AC is an upgrade is the best way to show your AC, and your pocket, some love. But what exactly should you be looking out for before getting an AC upgrade in Nashville, TN? In this guide, we’ll highlight all the major signs you need to look out for.

You’re Always Calling in the Repairman

As explained above, even if your AC works just fine after a repair, it’s probably time to say goodbye if it frequently needs fixes. No AC should need fixing more than twice a year, at most. What makes this even worse is the sheer expense. As the AC gets older, the kind of repairs it will need will also get more expensive. In the long run, it’s only going to become a liability. The wisest thing to do in this situation is to cut your losses as soon as you can.

Your AC is Over a Decade Old

The average lifespan of older AC models is a decade. Beyond 10 years, its hardware begins to wear out. Newer models are built to:

  • Use less energy
  • Cool or warm the house more effectively
  • Be more intelligent/automatic

You may think that a more sophisticated AC may be harder to run, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Modern technology takes the comfort of the user into account. Upgrading your AC will make it easier to adjust, optimize, troubleshoot, and even fix when

A modern model’s repairs will be simpler because parts will be easier to find. An important point to note is that newer models of central ACs have a longer lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

Your Electricity Bill is Shocking

If your utility bill is inexplicably high and keeps getting higher, the culprit may be your AC. A worn-out AC will run less efficiently and consume excess energy whereas an outdated model will have less energy-saving properties. These factors force the AC to increase its

energy consumption to perform. A modern AC uses sophisticated technology that reduces your energy consumption by 20% to 40%.

You Want to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

An average household releases 2,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. This quantity releases 3500 pounds of carbon dioxide, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases. You can reduce your emission by ensuring your AC is as efficient as possible.

The more sophisticated the design, the more energy it saves. Newer models are more efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. Is your AC older than it should be? Is it

always breaking down? Do you want to save both energy and money? Then there’s no doubt: you need to upgrade your AC.

Contact Precision Air, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.