If you haven’t upgraded your thermostat in a while, then it’s time for you to upgrade. You know that you should upgrade your home’s heater every decade or so, but you need to upgrade your thermostat just as often. The thing about your HVAC in Nashville, TN is that it’s an ecosystem. You need to consider all aspects of your home’s HVAC system so that you can help out your home.
If you take a good look at your thermostat on the wall and see a faceless piece of plastic on the wall, then you’re overdue for an upgrade. We have smart and Wi-Fi thermostats on the market now. Getting a new thermostat is actually easy. Our technicians can shepherd you through the entire process.
You Need a New Unit!
Here are the signs that you need a new thermostat for your home.
- You’ve had your thermostat for more than 10 years
- Your thermostat can’t control your home well
- You have hot and cold spots
- You’re spending more than you’d like to on your heating and cooling
- You want better control for your home
We have fully trained technicians on our team that understand your personal needs. Come to us for what you’re looking for. We’re here to help.
Smart or Wi-Fi: The Checklist
We meet a lot of homeowners that don’t know whether they should choose a smart or Wi-Fi thermostat. Here’s a quick breakdown. Certain needs need a certain thermostat and we’re going to help you figure out which one it is today.
Remote Capabilities: You want to be able to program your home’s thermostat from anywhere in the world. This is one of the most useful features of them all. Even older digital thermostats have the ability to be preprogrammed, but let’s say your schedule changes one day, then what? What happens often is that you have a heater that runs for hours on end in an empty house. This is all in the past with a Wi-Fi or smart unit. Both models offer this capability.
Energy Insights: Have you ever wanted to understand your heating needs a little more? Maybe you want to see when you’re turning on your heater, turning it off, and when you’re spending too much energy trying to get things to warm up. The process can be complicated without the right insight. A smart thermostat can give you this particular insight that you’re looking for. Come to us when you’re looking for the right model to upgrade.
Cost Savings: We’re sure that you want to save yourself some money throughout the year. A Wi-Fi thermostat can help you do this marginally with its ability to eliminate energy loss due to inefficiency.
On the other hand, a smart thermostat can learn how you like to heat or cool your home and help you out by auto-setting your thermostat to the most energy-efficient temperature. If this is a top priority on your list, then we’d suggest going for a smart thermostat.
Contact Precision Air, Inc today to schedule an appointment. Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust.