Are you ready for the warm weather? Now when we ask you that question, your mind might immediately jump to taking inventory of how much sunscreen you have on hand, if you have a pump for those pool floaties, or if you have enough shorts and tank tops at your disposal. While all these things are important basics for you to have if you want to enjoy summer, this isn’t what we’re talking about today. Today, we want to bring your attention to air conditioning maintenance.
We know, we know—it’s not as fun as the idea of taking a dip in the pool on a hot Nashville day, but you want to be able to remain comfortable in your home as well. Air conditioning maintenance is the best way for you to do this. Call our professionals today to get your system in shape. We have what you need.
Why You Need Maintenance
So let’s get down to business—this is why you came here! Let’s lay out all the reasons why it’s essential for you to have maintenance performed every year.
It Helps You Stay Cool
One thing about Nashville is that the summers here are hot. When the temperatures start to soar, you want to make sure that you’re getting the service that you really need from your air conditioning system. If anything is lacking, then you’re going to need a maintenance appointment to spot the issue early on and fix it fast.
It Keeps Those Energy Bills Low
We know that your air conditioning costs are an expected expense in your home through the spring and summer months, but you want to make sure that you’re keeping your energy bills within a reasonable range during this time. If you notice that your energy bills are steadily increasing, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with our professionals.
It Improves Your Energy Efficiency
After a while, your air conditioner’s efficiency levels can start to dwindle down from 100% to a mark more about the 70-80% range. This happens due to neglect. Small problems can turn into big issues without the right care. Maintenance helps keep your energy efficiency high.
Our Maintenance Plan
So now you understand why you need maintenance and you’re ready to make an appointment. We want to urge you to go past just this one appointment though, you want to make sure that you’re keeping your home in great shape indefinitely.
Here are a few things that our maintenance plan includes:
- Priority service—you jump ahead of non-club members in line
- A 10% discount on all repairs
- Two pre-season tune-ups
- Free radon testing
- A free system inspection for your ductwork, filtration system, and a safety check
- Auto-billing and no-hassle cancellation
- Special members-only offers
Maintenance really is something that’s going to help your home and making sure that you get a maintenance appointment at least once a year is going to make your life much easier. Call us today to enroll in our maintenance agreement.
Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust. Call our professionals today to schedule an appointment.